Private Female Gynaecologist Doctor London

Cyst Removal

A cyst is a small fluid-filled sac that can grow on your ovary. Sometimes it is necessary to remove an ovarian cyst that is causing symptoms. Cyst removal is a surgical procedure that can usually be done as a day patient case at the Venus Women’s Clinic London if your doctor recommends it.

When Should a Cyst Be Removed?

Most ovarian cysts are harmless and will go away by themselves, often without causing any symptoms. The cyst may simply need to be monitored until it disappears. However, if a cyst grows large enough or if you have many small cysts, they can begin to cause problems.

  • If you are experiencing pain or other symptoms such as heavy periods or bloating, it can be best to remove the cyst.
  • Cysts may also need to be removed if there is a risk that they could burst as this could be very painful.
  • Your doctor will also recommend a cyst removal if there is a chance that the growth could be cancerous. Although most ovarian cysts are benign, some growths could be caused by ovarian cancer.

What to Expect

Ovarian cyst removal is a surgical procedure that can usually be performed laparoscopically. The procedure will be done as keyhole surgery through several small incisions in your abdomen. A small camera will be inserted through one of the incisions so that the surgeon can see what she is doing. In some cases, open surgery may be required to remove large or potentially cancerous ovarian cysts.

  • The surgery will be performed under a general anaesthetic, so you won’rsquo;t be aware of anything that is happening.
  • The doctor will make one or more incisions in your abdomen.
  • The ovaries will be examined carefully and the cysts will be removed.
  • The incisions will then be closed with stitches or surgical glue.

What Happens Next

  • When you wake up after the cyst removal operation, you will feel a little drowsy from the anaesthetic.
  • If you have had a laparoscopic procedure, you should be able to go home the same day. You will need to rest at home for a while, until the surgical incisions have healed.
  • Since the incisions made during laparoscopic surgery are smaller than for open surgery, the recovery time will be quicker.
  • The risk of complications such as infections is also lower with laparoscopic surgery. However, there is still a small chance of complications during or after surgery. Miss Arafa will explain these in detail before the procedure so that you can make the right decisions about your treatment.

Once your ovarian cysts have been removed, the symptoms they were causing should disappear. If there is a chance the growths could be cancerous, they will be tested in the lab. You may need additional treatment if ovarian cancer cells are found.

Arranging a Cyst Removal

If you have ovarian cysts that need to be removed, you can make an appointment with an experienced surgeon at the Venus Women’s Clinic London. Miss Arafa is a leading gynaecologist in London who has performed many cyst removals. She will explain the procedure in detail and arrange the operation for you. If you want to arrange a cyst removal, you can make an appointment by phone or use the online form to request a consultation at a time that is convenient for you.

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