Private Female Gynaecologist Doctor London

Gynaecology Screening London

Gynaecological screening is an important part of looking after your health. Routine screening is recommended for all women as it can ensure that any health problems are identified and treated quickly. You can easily arrange all forms of gynaecology screening at the Venus Women’s Clinic London.

Why Should You Have Gynaecological Screening?

Gynaecology screening can ensure that any health issues are identified as soon as possible so that you can get the treatment you need. Screening can detect problems even if they aren’t causing any noticeable symptoms or when they have been mistaken for normal menstrual symptoms Getting prompt treatment for problems such as gynaecological conditions and STIs is important as it can reduce the risk of potentially serious complications.

You might want to arrange the following types of gynaecological screening:

  • Smear test to check for abnormal cells that could develop into cervical cancer. Routine PAP smears are recommended for all women between the ages of 25 and 65.
  • STD screening to look for sexually transmitted infections such as Chlamydia, gonorrhoea or syphilis. Regular screening is recommended for all women who are sexually active. Read more about STD screening
  • Well woman check up to check for common gynaecological conditions. Routine screening is a good idea for all women of reproductive age. It may include a smear test, STI screening and a pelvic exam.

What to Expect

What happens during gynaecology screening will depend on the types of tests that you are having. Miss Arafa will ensure that you know what to expect during your appointment.

  • Smear test: a speculum is used to hold open the vagina while a swab is taken from the cervix.
  • STD testing: the doctor will ask some questions about your health. Blood and urine samples may be taken, along with swabs from your urethra and vagina. Read more about STD screening
  • Gynaecological exam: the doctor will examine your vagina, cervix and pelvic organs. It will usually include both an external and internal exam to check for signs of infections or gynaecological problems.

What Happens Next

In most cases, gynaecology screening won’t reveal any issues that require further attention. Miss Arafa may simply recommend that you come back to be screened again in the future. However, there is a chance that the screening test could identify a problem that needs to be treated:

  • If you have an abnormal result on your smear test, you may need a colposcopy to confirm the presence of precancerous cells. Any abnormal cells will need to be removed and further treatment may be necessary to prevent cervical cancer.
  • If screening reveals that you have an STI, you may need a course of antibiotics to clear the infection. In some cases, additional treatment may be needed to tackle any complications caused by the infection.

If a problem is discovered during gynaecological screening, further tests or treatment may be recommended. The next steps will depend on exactly what has been found. Miss Arafa will explain the results and your options in detail.

Could I check my sexual health without a clinic visit? 

Many people with STIs have no symptoms. If you think you may have an STI, then we recommend that you get tested. Please note that some STIs don’t show in a test straight away. So you need to wait for two weeks or sometimes more before a test will be accurate. 

We are delighted to announce that we can provide you and your partner with our special self-test kits which you can use any time you like in complete privacy at home. You don’t need to visit a doctor, sexual health clinic or even to pay for a consultation. Just contact us today to put an order or email us on and we will do the rest for you. The kits can be delivered directly to your home address via royal mail and you can collect the sample (blood or swab or both as needed).

Please follow all the instructions which are clearly labelled in our kit package, put it in the pre-paid envelope and post the sample back to our lab. We will get back to you with a full report of your results within 3-5 working days. Our tests report are accurate with high sensitivity and specificity reported from an internationally rewarded lab. If the results come back positive for any test and you would like further discussion, we can arrange a consultation for you to discuss this in more detail with the Consultant. We can also provide you with a private prescription including home delivery of an antibiotic or any medication as needed. The fees for the consultation and treatment will be determined and discussed with you separately following receipt of your results.

How long does it take for STIs to show in tests?

These are the incubation periods for the at-home tests we use.

  •        chlamydia: 2 weeks
  •        gonorrhoea: 2 weeks
  •        HIV: 7 weeks
  •        hepatitis B: 12 weeks
  •        hepatitis C: 12 weeks
  •        syphilis: 12 weeks

Hepatitis C can sometimes take up to 9 months to show in a test, so if you’re not sure when you might have been exposed, do a test now, and another test in 9 months. If you may have been exposed to HIV in the last 72 hours, do not wait to test and get an immediate advice.


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