HPV Test & HPV Vaccination in London
What is the human papillomavirus?
Human papillomavirus or HPV, refers to a group of 100 related viruses or more . About 40 of the viruses are sexually transmitted viruses that spread through contact with skin, mucous membranes and fluids in the genital area, most often through sex.
How is the human papillomavirus transmitted?
About 50 percent of people who have sex contract HPV, HPV doesn’t always cause symptoms and some infected individuals pass on the virus without realizing it. The virus affects both men and women, with an increased risk for those with multiple sexual partners or those who have sex at an early age.
HPV doesn’t always cause serious health problems or any problems at all, but certain types put the person at a higher risk for serious problems. Some types of HPV can lead to cancer in the cervix, vagina or anus. Other types of HPV cause genital warts.
How do you prevent human papillomavirus?
The HPV vaccine is considered effective, and it is recommended for all males and females. The vaccine is generally administered at age 11 or 12. Women up to age 26 have the option of a catch-up vaccine.
What does the human papillomavirus look like?
The human papillomavirus manifests as small pink, red or flesh-colored growths located on or near the sex organs. These growths, also known as genital warts, can be transmitted easily via sexual contact.
How do you prevent human papillomavirus?
To reduce the risk of developing HPV, or human papillomavirus, request vaccination, use condoms, and limit sexual partners or avoid having sex . Two vaccines provide some protection against HPV in women and girls and one is available for men and boys.
What are the HPV Vaccines?
Gardasil and Cervarix are two vaccines for women and girls. These vaccines protect females from the types of HPV that cause most incidences of cervical cancer.
Gardasil protects females from genital warts, and cancer of the anus, vagina and vulva. The vaccine is recommended for girls ages 11 through 12 and women up to age 26 who did not receive the vaccine earlier in life.
Practicing safe sex by using condoms during sexual intercourse also reduces the risk of HPV infection. Limiting sexual partners also reduces the risk of infection.
If you are experiencing symptoms that could be caused by human papilloma virus or your doctor has recommend that you see a specialist, you can arrange a gynaecological consultation at the Venus Women’s Clinic London. Miss Arafa is a leading gynaecologist with many years of experience treating human papilloma virus. She will provide the highest quality care. Simply contact the clinic by phone or fill in the online form to request an appointment or to arrange a telephone consultation.