Private Female Gynaecologist Doctor London

Post Menopausal Bleeding Clinic London

Bleeding after the menopause is common, but it should always be investigated by a doctor. Although the cause is usually something minor, there is a chance that you could have a serious condition that requires treatment. You should make an appointment with a gynaecologist to find out what’s wrong.
post-menopause-and-bleeding treatment

What Causes Post Menopausal Bleeding?

Post menopausal bleeding can happen for many different reasons. If you are bleeding after the menopause, it could be due to:

  • Inflammation of the womb or vaginal lining caused by lower oestrogen levels
  • Thickening of the womb lining, which is usually associated with HRT and can increase the risk of cancer
  • Polyps or growths in the cervix or womb, which are usually non-cancerous
  • Uterine cancer is responsible for 1 in 10 cases of post-menopausal bleeding
  • Other types of cancer such as vaginal or cervical cancer can also cause bleeding

Symptoms of Post Menopausal Bleeding

Bleeding from your vagina after the menopause isn’t normal. Post menopausal bleeding is easy to recognise and should always be checked by a doctor:

  • Bleeding is considered post-menopausal if it happens at least 12 months after your last period
  • The bleeding can just be light spotting, but heavier bleeding is possible
  • It may be associated with other symptoms too, such as pelvic pain or discomfort during sex

Diagnosing Post Menopausal Bleeding

If you are experiencing post menopausal bleeding, your gynaecologist may recommend the following tests to identify the cause:

  • Pelvic examination to check for growths, inflammation or other possible causes of bleeding
  • Hysteroscopy to examine the womb lining and take samples if necessary
  • Vaginal ultrasound scan to assess thickness and condition of the womb lining
  • Biopsy of the womb lining to test for cancer

The results of these tests should help your doctor to identify where the bleeding is coming from and what is causing it. The tests can help to diagnose or rule out cancer, as well as to identify other causes of bleeding.

Treatment for Post Menopausal Bleeding

Once the cause of the bleeding has been identified, Miss Arafa will be able to provide the care that you need. The treatment approach will depend on the cause of your postmenopausal bleeding:

  • If you have cervical polyps, they can be removed in a simple procedure at the clinic
  • Thinning of the vaginal lining can be treated with oestrogen cream or pessaries
  • Thickening of the womb lining can often be treated with hormone medication, although a hysterectomy may be recommended if your symptoms are severe
  • If you are taking HRT, changing or stopping your medication may help to prevent bleeding
  • A hysterectomy may be recommended if the bleeding is caused by cancer. Additional treatment may also be required.

If you have noticed any post menopausal bleeding, you should make an appointment for a gynaecology consultation at the Venus Women’s Clinic in London. Miss Arafa is a leading expert in womens’ health who can identify the cause and provide the treatment you need. Simply call the clinic or fill in the online form to arrange an appointment at a time that is convenient for you.

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