Consultant Gynaecologist
Miss Aliaa Arafa
Miss Arafa is an experienced consultant in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She possesses immense knowledge and great expertise in this industry that includes high-risk pregnancy, foetal medicine, colposcopy and cervical cancer screening.
She has attained her medical degree from the Alexandria University and has also worked for hospitals across Saudi Arabia and Egypt. This has enabled her to gain huge knowledge and expose herself in varied clinical conditions. Afterwards, she had shifted to the UK in the year 1996 where she got training in different reputed hospitals such as Royal Free Hospital NHS Trust, St. Mary’s NHS Trust and King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Meet Miss Arafa

Consultant Anaesthetist
Dr. Philippa Groves
Dr Philippa Groves is a Consultant Anaesthetist at King’s College Hospital, London. She also practises anaesthesia at all the major private hospitals in central London. Dr Groves specialises in anaesthesia for obstetrics and gynaecology but also provides anaesthesia for other types of surgery including urology and general surgery.
Dr Groves qualified in medicine from Guy’s Hospital, London and trained in anaesthesia at St Bartholomew’s and Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospitals. She also worked at The Beth Israel Hospital, Boston USA for 3 years. She has previously been Lead Obstetric anaesthetist, Head of the Anaesthetic Department and Chair of the Consultants’ Committee at King’s College Hospital

Liz Kirton
BSc Hons, MCSP
Clinical Specialist Women’s Health Physiotherapist
Liz Kirton has worked in the field of Women’s Health Physiotherapy for over 20 years and has gained advanced clinical experience in obstetrics, gynaecology and urology. She also has a special interest in pelvic and vaginal pain symptoms. Liz is the clinical lead for Women’s Health at the Portland Hospital and runs both outpatient and inpatient services.

Ghazala is an highly experienced Registered consultant Dietitian with over 20 years experience in maternal, paediatric and adult clinical nutrition, nutritional education and therapeutic dietary advice. Furthermore, she is passionate about helping women achieve their health and well being goals and children of all ages achieve their health and growth potential.
She is a mum of three young children. Ghazala is passionate about all areas of child Nutrition and firmly believes that good nutrition during pregnancy right through to adolescence is required for each child to reach there full potential.
Ghazala regularly receives referrals for the following and provides personalised for this conditions:
- Prenatal healthy eating, weight loss/weight gain, Polycystic ovaries.
- Antenatal healthy eating, severe sickness, Gestational Diabetes, Nutritional deficiencies,other health concerns
- Postnatal weight loss advice for mum, breast feeding, weening on to solids, Gastro reflux, poor weight gain in babies.
- Children and teenage Dietary assessment and personalised advice.
Ghazala can speak the following: English, Urdu, Punjabi and Hindi.